Welcome to KBKA members area.
Please login below to see pages and functionality that are hidden for non members. These will show up in the drop down menu from the ‘Members Area’ under Members. After logging in if you cannot see the member area please ‘Refresh’ your screen and they will appear.
Lost your password?FIRST TIME LOGGING IN
In order to login you will need your email address and membership number.
Email address – this needs to be the same email address that you used in your membership application.
The membership number has been used to create your password on first login. It has been increased to 8 digits by adding zero’s (0) to the left of the number. E.g. If your membership number starts with 60.15.xxxx then please disregard the ‘60.15’ and just use the numbers after that. You will then need to ‘pad out’ the number with the zeros e.g. 1089 becomes 00001089 until it has 8 digits. Once you have logged in, you will neede to set a new password.