WEYBRIDGE DIVISION OF SBKA are holding a Zoom meeting on chronic bee paralysis virus, which this year has affected the Weybridge teaching apiary.
There is relatively little published information about this disease, which can cause the rapid death of large numbers of bees. The meeting will cover symptoms of the disease and current research. As this disease is likely to be present in other parts of Surrey, Kingston beekeepers are invited to participate in this meeting. If you have had large numbers of bees dying over a short period of time we want to hear about your experience with this disease. The meeting is limited to 100 people.
Topic: Weybridge Beekeepers chronic bee paralysis meeting
Time: Monday, July 31st at 7:30pm
To join the Zoom Meeting, click on
If the link does not work, go to www.zoom.us and enter
Meeting ID: 856 2918 8053 Passcode: 248579
From your Phone just dial: +44 (0) 131 460 1196 and use the dial pad to enter the meeting id number.
Or for One tap mobile
+442034815237,,89733700593#,,,,,,0#,,073300# United Kingdom
Andrew Halstead, Chairman Weybridge division |