KBKA : Invitation to our website & jokes…

bryn.regan) for help.

To access the member area, click on Login under the Members menu

Once you’ve logged in you will find the Members’ menu item has additional options for the Members’ Area and Account. Here are the details of what you can find under each new menu item.

Members’ Area :

Members’ information page has lots of useful information including the KBKA handbook, honey characteristics, and practical beekeeping and apiary guidelines.

Members’ Events : Throughout the year we hold events just for members. This calendar will show you what’s coming up including when the apiary will be open. Always check here for what is happening at the apiary. Public eventscalendar in the main menu bar – Surbiton Festival, Claygate Flower Show.

Members’ Directory lists all KBKA current members as well as the committee. You can search for a member, or browse the directory. You can update your profile to share a summary about yourself with other KBKA members and add a profile and cover photo if you like.

Members’ Courses notes any courses that are for members only.

Additional Learning includes useful materials for knowledge e.g. Lecture notes including varroa references from Master Beekeeper Nelson and the video of a Queen emerging.

Finding the Apiary We used to have the apiary location on the public part of the website but for security reasons we’ve decided to put it here instead for members only.

Newsletters that go out by email will be added to here. Please note that these are added automatically from the email which is why the formatting sometimes doesn’t look quite right.

Account :

If you click on account (rather than the following sub menus) you can update your name and email address, change your password or delete your account.

My Profile From this page you can click on the settings ‘cog’ to update your profile which will allow you to add a cover photo, profile photo and a short bio about yourself. This also shows any posts and comments, however that will only be relevant for editors of the site.

Logout Clicking on this automatically logs you out and takes you back to the home page.

Password reset allows you to reset your password.

We hope you find the Members’ area useful. If you have any suggestions for changes, please let Jane or Bryn know.

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