KBKA Important Invite to New member website

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To Do in Spring
At this time of the year, when there is little active beekeeping to be done, opportunities to reduce stress on the bees during the coming season, should be considered.

Firstly, the mantra is clean boxes, clean comb, clean frames. Wild bees will naturally build new comb each spring, by moving into adjacent space in the tree trunk, or if not possible, by swarming. Plans should be made for changing the comb in our hives, as soon as the weather permits.

Another way of reducing stress, later on in the season once swarming is over, is to consider why the colony should be opened? Is it necessary? close the hive up when the reason has been found, there is no requirement that every frame should be examined every time an inspection takes place. Commercial beekeepers allow two minutes per hive!

New Members Website Pages
We’ve been busy investing time to build out a members area on the KBKA website to replace the members’ documents page. Several people have been testing this out and we’re ready to roll out to all members.

The new area will allow you to log in and access information specifically for members including events, courses, and additional learning such as data from the Queen rearing course. Information will be available here in a central repository and avoid email deliveries which do get lost. We’ve also added a members directory which you can update with a profile if you wish. If you have any ideas on what else we could add, please let us know. The individual information is stored securely in the website will be a username and your email address.

Please look out for an email over the next few weeks from wordpress with the subject "Welcome to Kingston Beekeepers Association !". This email will have your individual sign in details. You can change your password after you log in via the profile page under Members -> Account.

If you prefer to opt out of the members website access, please let us know.

Learn about Queen Rearing
Learn about the selection & breeding of Honey Bees including Queen rearing in our winter study group. Open to all members and a practical topic too ! We follow the syllabus from the BBKA website to give us some structure.

See you at Imber Court, Ember Lane, KT8 0BT at 7.30 pm in the small conference room upstairs. All members are welcome to join these relaxed sessions on 22nd Feb, 8th & 22nd March.

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