KBKA Diary Dates & Updates

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Invitation to QR Study Group
Our first session on selection & breeding of Honey Bees including Queen rearing had lots of people coming along, and we had a few inadvertant drone laughs about the topic too ! This winter study group follows the syllabus from the BBKA website to give us some structure.

See you at Imber Court, Ember Lane, KT8 0BT at 7.30 pm in the small conference room upstairs. All members are welcome to join these relaxed sessions on these dates for your diary :

  • 25th Jan
  • 8th Feb
  • 22rd Feb
  • 8th March
  • 22rd March
Our first session on selection & breeding of Honey Bees including Queen rearing had lots of people coming along, and we had a few inadvertant drone laughs about the topic too ! This winter study group follows the syllabus from the BBKA website to give us some structure.

See you at Imber Court, Ember Lane, KT8 0BT at 7.30 pm in the small conference room upstairs. All members are welcome to join these relaxed sessions :

  • 25th Jan
  • 8th Feb
  • 22rd Feb
  • 8th March
  • 22rd March
Managing Varroa without Treatment
There has been a lot in the beekeeping press about managing varroa without treatments, sometimes over concerns that the mites are becoming resistant to chemical applications. Tonight we have a talk from Tricia & Alan Nelson about going treatment free, which we expect to engender a lot of discussion. In fact we hope it does garner a good debate. Please mark your diary for 9th March at 7.30pm

It will be held at our usual venue : Imber Court, Ember Lane, KT8 0BT at 7.30 pm in the small conference room upstairs. All members are welcome to join.

Honey Petition – please sign & share
The BBKA are writing to ask for your support for our SECOND honey petition which calls on the Government to change the Honey labelling rules so consumers can easily recognise all countries of origin of the honey contained in a jar sold here in the UK. We urgently need as much support as possible to help us reach our goal of 100,000 signatures which means the Government must consider the issue for debate in Parliament. The support of the general public and not just the beekeeping community is essential to achieve this result.

To find out why we have raised this petition, please watch this short video: https://youtu.be/szsyb1TDgzw

To sign the petition – please click the following link: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/624402/

I think I’ve already signed the petition!
Please note this is our 2nd honey petition so it is possible you are remembering signing the 1st petition. To be sure, please click the link above – the system will tell you if you have already signed when you enter your email address.

I’d like to advertise the petition when I sell my honey – can you provide any resources to help?
There are a number of resources available on the BBKA website including QR codes with automatic links to the petition and some artwork: https://www.bbka.org.uk/downloadable-resources

How else can I help?
If you use social media, please share one of the BBKA social media posts:

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